The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) operates several bus services between Mayiladuthurai and Tiruppur, catering to the needs of daily commuters, travelers, and those on business trips. This route covers a distance of approximately 290 kilometers, and the buses ensure a comfortable and safe journey.
TNSTC Bus Timings from Mayiladuthurai to Tiruppur
The TNSTC buses on this route run multiple times a day, ensuring flexibility for passengers. Below are some of the key bus timings:
- 5:00 AM – Non-AC Express
- 8:30 AM – Non-AC Express
- 12:00 PM – Non-AC Express
- 3:30 PM – Non-AC Express
- 7:00 PM – Non-AC Express
These buses make several stops along the way, including major towns and cities like Kumbakonam, Thanjavur, Trichy, and Karur, before reaching Tiruppur.
Fare Details
The fare for the Mayiladuthurai to Tiruppur route varies depending on the type of bus service:
- Non-AC Express: Approximately ₹150 to ₹250
- Economy Air-Conditioned (EAC): Approximately ₹350 to ₹450
The fare is subject to change based on government regulations and fuel prices, so it’s always a good idea to check the latest fare before your journey.
Booking Information
Currently, tickets for these TNSTC buses can be purchased directly at the bus stations or through the official TNSTC website. Unfortunately, online reservation options may not be available for all services, so it’s advisable to arrive early at the bus station to secure your seat.
For more information and updates, you can visit the TNSTC Official Website or MyTNSTC Blog.