The Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation (TNSTC) operates daily non-AC bus services from Erode to Pondicherry via Salem. These services are provided by the TNSTC Coimbatore Division and offer basic amenities.
The bus service is operated via Salem, Attur, Kallakurichi, Ulunthurpettai, Madapattu, Panrutti, Cuddalore between Erode and Pondicherry
Erode to Pondicherry Bus Timings:
- 8:00 AM
- 8:40 PM
Pondicherry to Erode Bus Timings:
- 8:20 AM
- 8:40 PM
Travel Details:
- Travel Time: Approximately 8 hours
- Distance: 300 kilometers
Currently, the bus service is not listed for online ticket reservation, but tickets can be booked online at
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