Kanyakumari to Ooty SETC Bus Service And Timing 664 EUD 664 KUD 663 UD

Kanyakumari, SETC

State express transport corporation operates buses from Kanyakumari to Ooty via Coimbatore, Pollachi and Madurai with route numbers 664 EUD 664 KUD and 663 UD. The bus departs from Kanyakumari Bus Stand and Ends at Ooty Bus Stand.

The bus service is charged Rs. 425 per seat without reservation charges, the travel time between Kanyakumari and Ooty is 14 hours. The total kilometers between Kanyakumari and Ooty is 578 approximately.

About the author: A Public Transport Enthusiast ! Writing About Namma TNSTC and SETC in this blog !! I am trying to connect with Travel Enthusiast using Public Transport as there regular choice of travel !!

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