KSRTC Volvo Mets With Accident in Avinashi Road 16 People Lost Their Lives

KSRTC – Kerala, Public Information

KSRTC Volvo was traveling with passengers from Bangalore to Ernakulam. The accident occured near to Avinashi in outskirts of Coimbatore.

The container lorry coming from opposite side, jumped the median and dashed into KSRTC bus.

The entire right side of Volvo is damaged, the impact is so much that Volvo bus would be cruising in highway with limited speed.

We are really saddened by the incident occurred due to accident.

The container coming from opposite side was from Ernakulam To Salem carrying tiles, during the accident both the employees of KSRTC also lost their lives.

Impact on accident got higher as the container trailer also dashed into bus creating the impact so high.

About the author: A Public Transport Enthusiast ! Writing About Namma TNSTC and SETC in this blog !! I am trying to connect with Travel Enthusiast using Public Transport as there regular choice of travel !!

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