Private Volvo Rams Into TNSTC Bus (Old Footage)


We are providing you the video footage about a private volvo bus rammed into tnstc bus on a busy single lane stretch. In the video we can observe that this an error with the Volvo Bus as they have crossed the white line in the road and have taken a dangerous overtaking.

To the passengers who take public transport, we recommend you to corporate with Pilot of the vehicle as they have crucial job to do. We at MY TNSTCBlog request the passengers to be polite with the crew of the bus whether it is Private or Public.

The video was captured in a CCTV camera located in the area. The visuals displayed are sources from there.

About the author: A Public Transport Enthusiast ! Writing About Namma TNSTC and SETC in this blog !! I am trying to connect with Travel Enthusiast using Public Transport as there regular choice of travel !!

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