SETC have announced the launch of Bangalore to Coimbatore Sleeper Coach Bus Facility for passengers. The sleeper coach bus is made in Ashok Leyland Chassis at Prakash Body Building unit in Bengaluru as per AIS 052 code. The design of the coach is based upon Prakash Vega Code.
The route number provided for the service is 838AS (AS-A/C Sleeper) with trip code 2200BANCOIAS, the total travel time to reach Coimbatore from Bengaluru is estimated as 7 hours and 30 minutes covering 377 kilometres.
The ticket charge per adult is set at Rs. 745 excluding reservation charges, we recommend passengers to book the ticket prior traveling in the bus to enjoy hassle free travel experience.
The bus is designed to carry 30 passengers, 15 lower berth and 15 upper berth, 1 lower berth is reserved for pilot/conductor. We are providing you with below seat layout of our new AC Sleeper coach.
The passengers can book their ticket online by visiting