SETC operates buses from Chennai To Mayiladuthurai via ECR and Tindivanam. Below is the time schedule of the bus services from Chennai CMBT.
The passengers can board the bus from Chennai Moffusil Bus Terminal Located at Chennai (Koyambedu). Passengers can reach their destination via Town Bus, Metro Train, Auto and Cabs.
The travel time between Chennai and Mayiladuthurai is 5 hours and 30 minutes, the total distance between the stations is 283 kilometers for ECR and 280 kilometers via Tindivanam.
The fare per passenger seat is Rs.183 via Tindivanam and Rs.210 via ECR excluding the reservation passengers.
Below is the schedule from CMBT to Mayiladuthurai. At present, there is only 3 direct buses operated by SETC. The buses to Kumbakonam goes via Mayiladuthurai so the passengers will be able to book and board the same bus.
We recommend passengers to book the tickets in advance in order to avoid trouble in traveling to destination as the bus schedules can be booked online by visiting or by visiting nearest SETC booking centre.
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