SETC operates bus service from Bangalore to Trichy and Trichy to Bangalore. Here we are providing you the detailed timings from Trichy Central Bus Stand at Trichy to Bangalore (Shantinagar Bus Stand) . The bus schedule operates Non AC Ultra Deluxe Coaches to the Interstate Destination Bangalore and Trichy.
The bus schedule provides passengers with a comfort journey as the vehicle is equipped with air suspension body and push back seats.
The bus timings shared below is in standard AM/PM time. The service from Bangalore starts at Shanti Nagar Bus Stand and SETC have introduced two new boarding points at Bangalore. Please do check while booking the ticket whether the boarding point is available or not.
The bus schedule covers 352 kilometers in a sing side trip, the journey hours for the service is 7 hours and 30 minutes. The fare for the service is Rs. 345 excluding the reservation charges, charges are per passenger.
The schedule can booked online by visiting in advance or visit nearest SETC online booking office.
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